Organize Communication GmbH

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organize communications is an owner-operated agency
specializing in consulting & communications measures
for the wine, food and hospitality industries

Barbara Wanner

Managing Partner

Oliver Frank

Managing Partner


Our communication concepts reflect what we know and what we love. We are unrepentant connoisseurs of la dolce vita, yet also dedicated organizers through and through. We have a global mindset, but our hearts stay squarely focused on the here and now. We are pioneers, we are thinkers, we are mavericks.


With a friendly team we love, live, organize and communicate wine, food and everything that goes with it. Our base camp is a beautiful old building in Karlsruhe, in the middle of sunny Baden. Only a few hours by train from grandiose metropolises such as Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt and in direct proximity to ingenious epicurean regions such as the Palatinate, Alsace and the Black Forest, we love, live and communicate all about the "good life".


Our job is anything but routine. We consult winegrowing regions from all over the world as well as winemakers, chefs and brands. Our activities are regional, national and international. Flexible working hours, work-life balance, home office and state-of-the-art technology have always been part of our DNA.

Nadja Öhrlein
Managing Director


Sven Koch
Senior Consultant

Floriane Le Tacon

Lisa Laimer


Eva-Maria Haag

Stefan Jakubik


Elke Trogisch


whyCraft &
Heart & Soul

The founding of our agency on 1 March 1993 represented more than just the culmination of many personal and professional goals: it fulfilled our long-harbored dreams of being our own bosses. That motivating fire still burns hot today, with equal parts reverence for the independence we've crafted and the responsibility we've earned.


We had already proven ourselves in the communications arena long before venturing out on our own. That work brought us in contact with many vintners, chefs and other amazing artisans — people gifted at creating their masterpieces, but not necessarily the captivating stories needed to market them. From the beginning we viewed ourselves as organizers, standing at their sides. Hence our name: Organize. We pushed them to rethink, rework, and reimagine. We helped them network and professionalize their communications. All in a time when communication was simply not on people's minds as it is today. What we do hasn't changed significantly since we founded our agency, there are simply many more communications channels at our disposal nowadays.


Our personal love of wine, food, travel and everything that goes with them was and is a further push for us to keep doing what we do so well. We didn't quite transform our hobby into our profession. Our calling was already in wine, food, and hospitality. But we did grasp from the start that our profound knowledge, experience and talents for "our" themes would carry us far and make us an invaluable partner.


Our specialty is the cornerstone of who we are and what we do. It is far deeper and more substantial than simply lifestyle and thoughtless consumption. Then and now, we remain convinced that the "good life" should be integrated into the everyday and that being a connoisseur is not a luxury but rather the heart and soul that glues our fast-paced world together.


Our main offices in Karlsruhe, Zurich and Bolzano are located at the heart of the German-speaking markets — in two regions renowned for all manners of epicurean pursuits.


We love the inspiring world of possibilities between an urban lifestyle and the growing 'New Rural.' The important metropolitan regions and media cities of Germany, Austria and Switzerland are our home, and we cultivate connections to many of the top players, not least through our own numerous events.




Trainee (M/F)

Du begeisterst dich für Wein & Food und besitzt Knowhow dafür? Du bist teamfähig und suchst neue Herausforderungen, arbeitest strukturiert, kreativ, verantwortungsvoll und konzeptionell? Dann bewirb dich bei uns.


• Kreativität, guter Schreibstil
• Hohe Affinität für unsere Themen
• Erste Erfahrung in Journalismus, PR, Event und/oder Social Media
• Fremdsprachenkenntnisse
• Organisationstalent, Eigeninitiative, Selbstständigkeit, ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit und überzeugendes Auftreten


• Ein positives Arbeitsumfeld und tolle Kollegen
• Selbstständige Projektorganisation, -abwicklung
• Kontinuierliche, aktive Medien- und Redaktionsarbeit


Weil wir zu den besten Kommunikationsagenturen der Branche gehören und großartige Kunden betreuen, für die wir noch mehr messbare Erfolge generieren wollen, brauchen wir genau dich als Verstärkung in unserem Head-Office in Karlsruhe.


Wenn du Interesse an einer abwechslungsreichen und verantwortungsvollen Tätigkeit und dem Umgang mit spannenden Kunden in einem vertrauensvollen und kollegialen Agenturumfeld hast, sende deine Bewerbungsunterlagen an Oliver Frank.

Praktikant (M/F)

Engagierte und motivierte Allroundtalente mit positiver Lebenseinstellung, die gerne etwas aktiv in die Hand nehmen und dazu ihr im Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung vorgeschriebenes Pflichtpraktikum bei uns absolvieren möchten. Spaß an Professionalität und ein leichter Hang zu Perfektionismus sind von Vorteil, ebenso wie Kenntnisse bei der Anwendung gängiger Büro-Software (Word, Excel etc.) sowie eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe.


Wir bieten | Interessante und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit, internationale Kunden mit Topniveau, Einblick in alle Bereiche, gutes Arbeitsklima, junges Team, schöne Büros, Arbeitsplätze, die technisch auf dem neuesten Stand sind, „Best coffee in town" und das alles in einer Region, in der sich's besonders gut leben lässt.


Wenn du Interesse an einer abwechslungsreichen und verantwortungsvollen Tätigkeit und dem Umgang mit spannenden Kunden in einem vertrauensvollen und kollegialen Agenturumfeld hast, sende deine Bewerbungsunterlagen an Oliver Frank.

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